La Cerveza Mas Fina
Time to return to the land of Mayan culture. Yucatan represent! Whoop, whoop!!
Yup, the Hawk will be landing in Cozumel in time to celebrate the New Year. We're a little unclear as to what awaits us on an island recently devastated by Wilma (you can read my rant about this and other t'ings in a recent post). But we're certain on a few things -- it will be in the 80s, as opposed to the 50s in Denver; there will be beer, and plenty of it; and our favorite clubs and restaurants are open for business; oh, and our luxurious accommodations are in fine and working order.
So I got that going for me.
Which is good.
With a little more than two full days to finalize everything, I'm off in my silent stress mode. It's like that old story where the kid gets sent to the store with a list of three things to obtain. He repeats the list over and over (I believe this was a Sesame Street thang) -- "Pound of butter, loaf of bread, and a quart of milk." That's me constantly reciting my "To Dos" in advance of the trip. Of course, mine is a little different, and it go a lil sumthin' like this:
"Pick up the dog crap"
"Snag some items from Foley's before mom quits on the 31st and loses her employee discount" "Purchase two liters of alcohol for the trip"
"Set my obnoxious but adorable labs up at my mom's, while apologizing to her in advance with a Tony's gift certificate and a bottle of red"
"Pack, pack and repack, until it all fits"
"Charge the digital camera"
"Bring the digital camera"
"Passports would be good"
"Wallet would be even better"
"Don't forget the wife at home"
There's more than that, but brain not feel right ... so I'll revisit it again later.
Wish us luck!
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