Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Week Without News -- Day Three

I shouldn't be surprised by this, but the biggest change I've noticed with my anti-news diet is a dramatic increase in productivity. As I stated before, I typically spend too much time just browsing the same news sites over and over. It seems I found something more valuable to do with my time, which is good because I'm incredibly busy presently.

I have to tell you that I probably couldn't have picked an easier week to do this. For starters, I was out of town most of Sunday, this week I'm slammed at work, and we're smack-dab in the middle of the dog days of summer. The latter means different things to different people, but to me it means the complete lack of anything worthwhile in the world of professional sports. Hockey and basketball are long since finished, football doesn't officially get moving for another month, baseball is only at the halfway mark, there are no golf or tennis majors presently, and the World Cup is over. So, I'm really not missing anything where sports news is concerned, although I can tell you that I'm giving up valuable fantasy football preparation time. Oh the horror! :)

So far, the lack of news has had zero impact on my life. I've yet to respond to someone's story with, "Oh, I wasn't aware of that" or "No, I didn't read that story/hear that news." I have to believe it will happen at some point this week, but I won't be too surprised if it doesn't.

And in case you care, today I just sat and thought while on the john, rather than reach for the paper. More productive!


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