A Week Without News -- Day Four
I had very little to report yesterday, as I continued with my productivity theme here at work. Actually, my morning was spent at the dentist getting prepped for a crown. Seems I broke another tooth, so they got me nice and numb (it actually took 5 or 6 injections), and put the temporary crown on. Feeling a little sore today (big baby, I know), but the point is I arrived at work later in the morning which really gave me no time to even think about this little anti-news adventure I'm on. The only time it became evident is when I arrived at home, and my wife had the Channel 7 news on. I'm a polite guy, so I asked her nicely to change it. We ended up with That '70s Show, followed by Jeopardy, which was a vast improvement.
My wife kindly mocked me, saying something to the effect of, "C'mon, you're missing really important news ... they had a story about how the guy from N*Sync is gay." She realized the irony of her comments, so we had a bit of a chuckle, stuck our pinkies in the air and finished our Earl Grey. :)
Seriously though, I'm finding this to be easier and easier, and I'm starting to wonder why I didn't do this sooner. Actually, this whole event is making me axious to try my 30 days of no TV. Speaking of 30 days, there's a new season of that show coming up (it's the show from the guy who brought us "Supersize Me"). I guess I'll be spending my 30 days of no TV NOT watching 30 Days. :)
One thing I want everyone to know -- I realize I'm making a semi-big deal out of something that I imagine people do all the time (by that I mean, not reading the news or watching TV). It's important to note that I don't think I'm doing anything revolutionary here. As I stated from the beginning, this is something for me, and if anyone else gets something from it, then that's great. While I feel strongly about the message behind all this, I'm as equally jazzed about the fact that this enables me to step outside my routine and try something new. I'm not ready for Mike Patton's sleep deprivation experiment, but I'd like to think this is in the same spirit of that exercise.
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